The NovSU Distance Learning Center was created to support introduction and development of distance learning in core directions educational activity. The Center works in close cooperates with NovSU subdivisions providing higher and further vocational education.

Centre’s key functions include:

  • Technological support of distance learning;
  • Instructors’ training;
  • Cataloging of information about training courses.

Technological Support of Distance Learning

The main activity of the Center is management of NovSU distance learning servers. The Center is responsible for the work of server software and for internal resources and elements of distance learning courses. At the moment, for the development of a distance learning course, instructors can use 22 different course elements, such as a "lecture", "glossary", "quiz", "test", etc., and the number is constantly increasing.

Instructors’ Training

The Centre regularly organizes training courses on how use the Moodle distance learning system. NovSU lecturers and staff take those courses free of charge. During the course, participants learn about the advantages and disadvantages of distance learning, how to apply the elements of distance learning in full-time and part-time education, on the functionality of the server, as well as comprehensively study the process of creating a distance course. The practical result of education is the creation of the author's educational course.

Cataloging of information about training courses

Another function of the Center is cataloging disparate information about any further education courses (not just distance) offered by NovSU. The Center carries out development and technical support of the re-training and further education courses’ catalogue, which is designed for the collection and structuring of information on all the additional education activities carried out in the NovSU.

The organization and coordination of filling in the catalogue is implemented by the NovSU School of Postgraduate and Further Education. Filling in the course information is carried out by NovSU training centers, academies, schools, and other subdivisions that are engaged in additional professional education.

Currently, the catalogue holds information about 89 courses of further education. Most number of courses is presented in such areas as Information and Communication Technologies, Economics and Accounting, Management, and State and Municipal Management.

Last modified: Thursday, 16 May 2013, 11:32 AM